Sep 19, 2023

What is Application Security Posture Management?

Brandon Hoe
VP of Marketing


Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) is your ultimate watchtower in this fast-paced digital world. While ASPM is more commonly associated with a specific tool of the same name (one which is a part of the Oxeye AppSec Solution), it’s also an approach that offers a comprehensive method for managing application security.

This article will take you through the critical components of ASPM, from asset and API discovery to risk prioritization, to remediation. We'll explore how to implement these strategies and the tools you need, and we’ll weigh the benefits and challenges of adopting ASPM. 

What is Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)?

In today's environment, where cyber threats are constantly changing, it's essential to have a multi-layered defense strategy. This section outlines the essential elements that make up Application Security Posture Management. Understanding these components is the first step toward a robust cybersecurity plan.

Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) is a holistic approach that includes various components to secure your software environment and incorporate the impact of your cloud infrastructure on your application security.

Asset Management

Knowing what you've got is the first step toward practical application security. It’s vital to first catalog all your software assets, including applications, packages, and APIs.

Imagine having a pantry and not knowing what food items are stored there; preparing a meal without that essential information would be challenging.

Similarly, understanding what assets you have and where they are located is critical for creating a comprehensive application security strategy.

By continually tracking the security status of these assets, you can more effectively allocate resources, be aware of what needs patching, and understand the risk management scope of any security vulnerabilities.

This active cataloging ensures that no software falls through the cracks, creating a loophole for potential security breaches.

Risk Assessment

Once you know what you're working with, the next step is to evaluate the risks associated with each asset. Risk assessment isn't just about identifying the vulnerabilities; it's also about understanding their potential impact.

For example, a vulnerability in an internal tool or development process may be less critical than in a customer-facing application. One that is loaded into memory and used at runtime, sits in a privileged container and shares a namespace with the host? Much more critical than one that doesn't have any additional security factors to impact its criticality.

Risk assessments can identify each asset's threats and how best to mitigate them using various methodologies, data flows, and tools.

This helps you prioritize which security issues must be addressed immediately and which can wait, allowing for a more strategic allocation of your dev and AppSec resources.

Policy Enforcement

After assessing risks, the next crucial step to managing risk is to enforce policies that will help mitigate these risks. This means defining and implementing rules for how your organization's applications should be built, maintained, and interacted with.

Just like a set of traffic rules governs how people drive on the road, these policies guide how your software assets are managed in relation to your business risk profile.

Policy enforcement tools can automatically flag or halt operations violating security policies. This ensures compliance and standardization that can drastically enhance visibility and further security leaders reduce the surface area for potential attacks.

Understanding the key components of ASPM provides you with a blueprint. Now, let's discuss how to bring this blueprint to life.

From scanning your assets to taking remediation steps, this section will guide you through the practical aspects of setting up your ASPM framework.

Why is application security posture management important?

Ignoring application security is a risk no organization can afford. Consider ASPM your safety net; it helps you spot and fix security gaps before they become serious problems. A robust ASPM framework saves money, preserves your company's reputation, and, most importantly, keeps your data safe.

If you overlook ASPM, you're inviting trouble. Data breaches and cyberattacks can lead to severe financial loss and damage your brand's credibility. So, investing in ASPM isn't just about avoiding pitfalls but creating a secure, resilient business environment.

How do you implement ASPM?

Steps to implementing ASPM

Knowing the theory is good, but applying it is what counts in cybersecurity. In this part, you'll learn the practical steps to bring ASPM into your organization. This will help you create security measures that are both comprehensive and adaptable to various challenges.

Scanning and Data Analysis

Firstly, you have to scan your assets to gather data about them. This includes but is not limited to, examining codebases, reviewing database configurations, looking at third-party integrations and getting infrastructure configuration data.

Consider this a complete medical check-up; you're looking for any "symptoms" indicating a security risk. This step leverages advanced application security tools that can perform static and dynamic analysis, crawling through your code to identify vulnerabilities rapidly. It also includes gathering data about your infrastructure configuration, which has an impact on your application security. Infrastructure misconfigurations can elevate the severity of vulnerabilities beyond just a stated CVSS score.

Prioritization and Remediation Steps

Identifying vulnerabilities is half the battle; the other half involves taking action to resolve them.

Prioritization is the first step in the process, where you take all the information and data that you have - list of vulnerabilities and their severity, their exposure to the Internet, the risk profile of the application itself (is it customer-facing and business critical or an esoteric internal tool?), the infrastructure configuration data, and the runtime status (many software components that are present in development never get utilized at runtime) - and filter out the noise, before prioritizing them based on the potential severity of the issue.

Remediation is next step, the action plan to resolve application security issues arising from security findings of your scanning and risk assessments.

This could involve everything from simple patches or updating packages to the latest version, to more complex structural changes in your software architecture.

Prioritizing risk and fixing the most critical vulnerabilities first, before moving on to the lesser ones is essential.

Tools of the Trade

The right tools are crucial in any field, especially in cybersecurity. This section will discuss the software and technologies needed for an effective ASPM strategy.

Static vs Dynamic Analysis Tools

Static analysis tools examine the code without executing it, like proofreading a manuscript for errors. On the other hand, dynamic analysis tools read the code while the car's performance, checking a vehicle's performance while driving it. Both types of analysis have their pros and cons.

Static analysis tools, such as Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools are excellent for catching issues early in the software development application security testing process but do not capture runtime context.

Dynamic analysis can identify problems that only occur during runtime, but may be more resource-intensive. Combining both tools often provide a more complete picture and comprehensive view of your applications' security posture.

Dedicated ASPM Platforms
While individual static and dynamic analysis tools offer valuable insights into specific aspects of your application's security, a dedicated Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) tool can be the backbone of your entire application security strategy.

These platforms are designed to provide a centralized hub for coordinating and managing various aspects of application security, from vulnerability scanning to compliance reporting.

A few key features include:

  • Centralized Dashboard: A unified interface that aggregates data from various security tools, making it easier to monitor the overall security posture of your applications.
  • Automated Workflows: These platforms often have automation capabilities that streamline the vulnerability management process, from detection to remediation.
  • Integration Capabilities: ASPM platforms are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing DevSecOps tools and workflows such as the ones mentioned above, ensuring that security is a part of the software development lifecycle rather than an afterthought.
  • Runtime Intelligence: An ASPM platform that injects a runtime component into its analysis enables more accurate results and better prioritization because they are as close as you can get to production.
  • Compliance Management: Many ASPM platforms offer built-in compliance management features, helping organizations adhere to industry standards and regulations.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: These platforms often provide real-time monitoring capabilities, alerting you to any security issues as they arise, thereby enabling quicker response times.
  • Scalability: As your organization grows, a dedicated ASPM platform can quickly scale to manage more applications, vulnerabilities, and team members.

Having a dedicated ASPM platform complements static and dynamic analysis tools by offering a centralized solution for comprehensive security management. With features like automated workflows and real-time alerts, these platforms streamline security and scale with your organization's needs. Investing in ASPM is a strategic move that shifts your cybersecurity from reactive to proactive.

While the advantages of ASPM are numerous, it's not without its complications. An effective strategy is one that not only highlights the benefits but also addresses the challenges head-on. This section will provide a balanced view to help you decide about ASPM adoption.

Benefits and Challenges

Every approach to security has its pros and cons. This section will discuss the benefits and challenges of using an ASPM framework, helping you make a well-informed decision that suits your organization's unique needs.

Improved Security and Cost-Efficiency

The most obvious benefit is, of course, enhanced security. By continuously monitoring, assessing, and remedying security risks, ASPM helps organizations stay several steps ahead of potential attackers. But there's another benefit that often gets overshadowed—cost efficiency.

Think about it: A data breach or successful cyberattack can be disastrous financially. The investment in ASPM development and security teams could be a fraction of the cost you might incur from an attack, both in immediate financial loss and long-term reputation damage.

So yes, implementing ASPM is not just about the security data bolstering data security; it's also a smart financial decision that adds a layer of protection around your digital assets, acting as an insurance policy against cyber threats.

Complexity and Scalability Concerns

While ASPM offers several benefits, it's not without its challenges. One major hurdle is complexity. As you scale your operations, the number of assets you have to manage can increase exponentially. More assets mean more sensitive data, risks, and, consequently, more policies to enforce.

Another challenge is scalability. Not all ASPM software delivery solutions scale gracefully, and you may find that a system that worked perfectly for more minor operations struggles under the weight of a larger enterprise.

Choosing an ASPM solution that can adapt as your business grows, both in size and complexity, is crucial.

Once you've navigated the initial challenges and begun to see the benefits of ASPM, it is essential to keep the momentum going.

Best practices serve as guiding principles that can help you optimize your approach. In this section, we'll outline strategies for long-term success.

Best Practices

Quality tools and well-thought-out strategies can be ineffective if not implemented correctly. This section will go over the best practices for maximizing the effectiveness of your ASPM efforts, thereby minimizing security risks and making your operations more efficient.

Software Updates and Employee Training

Regular software updates are a no-brainer. It's like keeping your car well-oiled and tuned up; you wouldn't skip a maintenance check, would you?

Keeping your software up-to-date ensures that all known vulnerabilities are patched, making it harder for bad actors to exploit them.

On the human side, never underestimate the power of well-informed employees and security teams. Regular training sessions can help the security team and members recognize potential threats and act accordingly.

Remember, the best technology in the world can't fully protect you if someone inadvertently leaves the digital front door wide open.

As with any technology, ASPM isn't static; it's continually evolving. To prepare for what's next, this final section will examine the future trends and innovations that will likely shape ASPM in the coming years.

The Future of ASPM

As technology becomes more sophisticated, the complexity and number of cyber threats are also rising. This makes it vital for security measures to adapt and evolve. In this concluding section, we'll look at emerging trends and advancements like Artificial Intelligence and Zero Trust Architecture that promise to make Application Security Posture Management more robust. Understanding these future directions will help you prepare your organization's security infrastructure for the challenges ahead.

AI, Machine Learning, and Zero Trust Architecture

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly integrating into ASPM solutions.

These technologies can automate many aspects of asset management, risk assessment, prioritization and remediation, and policy enforcement. Imagine a system smart enough to learn from past attacks and adapt its defenses in real time. Yeah, it's as cool as it sounds.

Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is another emerging trend. Gone are the days when anything within the corporate network was automatically deemed safe. With ZTA, the principle is simple:

Trust nothing, verify everything. This architecture works well with ASPM by adding another layer of scrutiny to the existing security tools and operations, ensuring that even 'trusted' entities don't get a free pass.


In this comprehensive look at Application Security Posture Management (ASPM), we've navigated the key components, implementation strategies, key capabilities, tools, and future trends that will shape your application securityefforts. ASPM isn't just an option; it's a necessity for robust application protection. While challenges exist, they're surmountable with the right strategy and toolkit. Ready to take the next step in securing your applications? Book a demo with our team today to see how Oxeye can help you realize the benefits of automating prioritization of application risks that are personalized to your company’s applications and environment.

September 19, 2023

What is Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)?

Brandon Hoe
VP of Marketing


Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) is your ultimate watchtower in this fast-paced digital world. While ASPM is more commonly associated with a specific tool of the same name (one which is a part of the Oxeye AppSec Solution), it’s also an approach that offers a comprehensive method for managing application security.

This article will take you through the critical components of ASPM, from asset and API discovery to risk prioritization, to remediation. We'll explore how to implement these strategies and the tools you need, and we’ll weigh the benefits and challenges of adopting ASPM. 

What is Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)?

In today's environment, where cyber threats are constantly changing, it's essential to have a multi-layered defense strategy. This section outlines the essential elements that make up Application Security Posture Management. Understanding these components is the first step toward a robust cybersecurity plan.

Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) is a holistic approach that includes various components to secure your software environment and incorporate the impact of your cloud infrastructure on your application security.

Asset Management

Knowing what you've got is the first step toward practical application security. It’s vital to first catalog all your software assets, including applications, packages, and APIs.

Imagine having a pantry and not knowing what food items are stored there; preparing a meal without that essential information would be challenging.

Similarly, understanding what assets you have and where they are located is critical for creating a comprehensive application security strategy.

By continually tracking the security status of these assets, you can more effectively allocate resources, be aware of what needs patching, and understand the risk management scope of any security vulnerabilities.

This active cataloging ensures that no software falls through the cracks, creating a loophole for potential security breaches.

Risk Assessment

Once you know what you're working with, the next step is to evaluate the risks associated with each asset. Risk assessment isn't just about identifying the vulnerabilities; it's also about understanding their potential impact.

For example, a vulnerability in an internal tool or development process may be less critical than in a customer-facing application. One that is loaded into memory and used at runtime, sits in a privileged container and shares a namespace with the host? Much more critical than one that doesn't have any additional security factors to impact its criticality.

Risk assessments can identify each asset's threats and how best to mitigate them using various methodologies, data flows, and tools.

This helps you prioritize which security issues must be addressed immediately and which can wait, allowing for a more strategic allocation of your dev and AppSec resources.

Policy Enforcement

After assessing risks, the next crucial step to managing risk is to enforce policies that will help mitigate these risks. This means defining and implementing rules for how your organization's applications should be built, maintained, and interacted with.

Just like a set of traffic rules governs how people drive on the road, these policies guide how your software assets are managed in relation to your business risk profile.

Policy enforcement tools can automatically flag or halt operations violating security policies. This ensures compliance and standardization that can drastically enhance visibility and further security leaders reduce the surface area for potential attacks.

Understanding the key components of ASPM provides you with a blueprint. Now, let's discuss how to bring this blueprint to life.

From scanning your assets to taking remediation steps, this section will guide you through the practical aspects of setting up your ASPM framework.

Why is application security posture management important?

Ignoring application security is a risk no organization can afford. Consider ASPM your safety net; it helps you spot and fix security gaps before they become serious problems. A robust ASPM framework saves money, preserves your company's reputation, and, most importantly, keeps your data safe.

If you overlook ASPM, you're inviting trouble. Data breaches and cyberattacks can lead to severe financial loss and damage your brand's credibility. So, investing in ASPM isn't just about avoiding pitfalls but creating a secure, resilient business environment.

How do you implement ASPM?

Steps to implementing ASPM

Knowing the theory is good, but applying it is what counts in cybersecurity. In this part, you'll learn the practical steps to bring ASPM into your organization. This will help you create security measures that are both comprehensive and adaptable to various challenges.

Scanning and Data Analysis

Firstly, you have to scan your assets to gather data about them. This includes but is not limited to, examining codebases, reviewing database configurations, looking at third-party integrations and getting infrastructure configuration data.

Consider this a complete medical check-up; you're looking for any "symptoms" indicating a security risk. This step leverages advanced application security tools that can perform static and dynamic analysis, crawling through your code to identify vulnerabilities rapidly. It also includes gathering data about your infrastructure configuration, which has an impact on your application security. Infrastructure misconfigurations can elevate the severity of vulnerabilities beyond just a stated CVSS score.

Prioritization and Remediation Steps

Identifying vulnerabilities is half the battle; the other half involves taking action to resolve them.

Prioritization is the first step in the process, where you take all the information and data that you have - list of vulnerabilities and their severity, their exposure to the Internet, the risk profile of the application itself (is it customer-facing and business critical or an esoteric internal tool?), the infrastructure configuration data, and the runtime status (many software components that are present in development never get utilized at runtime) - and filter out the noise, before prioritizing them based on the potential severity of the issue.

Remediation is next step, the action plan to resolve application security issues arising from security findings of your scanning and risk assessments.

This could involve everything from simple patches or updating packages to the latest version, to more complex structural changes in your software architecture.

Prioritizing risk and fixing the most critical vulnerabilities first, before moving on to the lesser ones is essential.

Tools of the Trade

The right tools are crucial in any field, especially in cybersecurity. This section will discuss the software and technologies needed for an effective ASPM strategy.

Static vs Dynamic Analysis Tools

Static analysis tools examine the code without executing it, like proofreading a manuscript for errors. On the other hand, dynamic analysis tools read the code while the car's performance, checking a vehicle's performance while driving it. Both types of analysis have their pros and cons.

Static analysis tools, such as Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools are excellent for catching issues early in the software development application security testing process but do not capture runtime context.

Dynamic analysis can identify problems that only occur during runtime, but may be more resource-intensive. Combining both tools often provide a more complete picture and comprehensive view of your applications' security posture.

Dedicated ASPM Platforms
While individual static and dynamic analysis tools offer valuable insights into specific aspects of your application's security, a dedicated Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) tool can be the backbone of your entire application security strategy.

These platforms are designed to provide a centralized hub for coordinating and managing various aspects of application security, from vulnerability scanning to compliance reporting.

A few key features include:

  • Centralized Dashboard: A unified interface that aggregates data from various security tools, making it easier to monitor the overall security posture of your applications.
  • Automated Workflows: These platforms often have automation capabilities that streamline the vulnerability management process, from detection to remediation.
  • Integration Capabilities: ASPM platforms are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing DevSecOps tools and workflows such as the ones mentioned above, ensuring that security is a part of the software development lifecycle rather than an afterthought.
  • Runtime Intelligence: An ASPM platform that injects a runtime component into its analysis enables more accurate results and better prioritization because they are as close as you can get to production.
  • Compliance Management: Many ASPM platforms offer built-in compliance management features, helping organizations adhere to industry standards and regulations.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: These platforms often provide real-time monitoring capabilities, alerting you to any security issues as they arise, thereby enabling quicker response times.
  • Scalability: As your organization grows, a dedicated ASPM platform can quickly scale to manage more applications, vulnerabilities, and team members.

Having a dedicated ASPM platform complements static and dynamic analysis tools by offering a centralized solution for comprehensive security management. With features like automated workflows and real-time alerts, these platforms streamline security and scale with your organization's needs. Investing in ASPM is a strategic move that shifts your cybersecurity from reactive to proactive.

While the advantages of ASPM are numerous, it's not without its complications. An effective strategy is one that not only highlights the benefits but also addresses the challenges head-on. This section will provide a balanced view to help you decide about ASPM adoption.

Benefits and Challenges

Every approach to security has its pros and cons. This section will discuss the benefits and challenges of using an ASPM framework, helping you make a well-informed decision that suits your organization's unique needs.

Improved Security and Cost-Efficiency

The most obvious benefit is, of course, enhanced security. By continuously monitoring, assessing, and remedying security risks, ASPM helps organizations stay several steps ahead of potential attackers. But there's another benefit that often gets overshadowed—cost efficiency.

Think about it: A data breach or successful cyberattack can be disastrous financially. The investment in ASPM development and security teams could be a fraction of the cost you might incur from an attack, both in immediate financial loss and long-term reputation damage.

So yes, implementing ASPM is not just about the security data bolstering data security; it's also a smart financial decision that adds a layer of protection around your digital assets, acting as an insurance policy against cyber threats.

Complexity and Scalability Concerns

While ASPM offers several benefits, it's not without its challenges. One major hurdle is complexity. As you scale your operations, the number of assets you have to manage can increase exponentially. More assets mean more sensitive data, risks, and, consequently, more policies to enforce.

Another challenge is scalability. Not all ASPM software delivery solutions scale gracefully, and you may find that a system that worked perfectly for more minor operations struggles under the weight of a larger enterprise.

Choosing an ASPM solution that can adapt as your business grows, both in size and complexity, is crucial.

Once you've navigated the initial challenges and begun to see the benefits of ASPM, it is essential to keep the momentum going.

Best practices serve as guiding principles that can help you optimize your approach. In this section, we'll outline strategies for long-term success.

Best Practices

Quality tools and well-thought-out strategies can be ineffective if not implemented correctly. This section will go over the best practices for maximizing the effectiveness of your ASPM efforts, thereby minimizing security risks and making your operations more efficient.

Software Updates and Employee Training

Regular software updates are a no-brainer. It's like keeping your car well-oiled and tuned up; you wouldn't skip a maintenance check, would you?

Keeping your software up-to-date ensures that all known vulnerabilities are patched, making it harder for bad actors to exploit them.

On the human side, never underestimate the power of well-informed employees and security teams. Regular training sessions can help the security team and members recognize potential threats and act accordingly.

Remember, the best technology in the world can't fully protect you if someone inadvertently leaves the digital front door wide open.

As with any technology, ASPM isn't static; it's continually evolving. To prepare for what's next, this final section will examine the future trends and innovations that will likely shape ASPM in the coming years.

The Future of ASPM

As technology becomes more sophisticated, the complexity and number of cyber threats are also rising. This makes it vital for security measures to adapt and evolve. In this concluding section, we'll look at emerging trends and advancements like Artificial Intelligence and Zero Trust Architecture that promise to make Application Security Posture Management more robust. Understanding these future directions will help you prepare your organization's security infrastructure for the challenges ahead.

AI, Machine Learning, and Zero Trust Architecture

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly integrating into ASPM solutions.

These technologies can automate many aspects of asset management, risk assessment, prioritization and remediation, and policy enforcement. Imagine a system smart enough to learn from past attacks and adapt its defenses in real time. Yeah, it's as cool as it sounds.

Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is another emerging trend. Gone are the days when anything within the corporate network was automatically deemed safe. With ZTA, the principle is simple:

Trust nothing, verify everything. This architecture works well with ASPM by adding another layer of scrutiny to the existing security tools and operations, ensuring that even 'trusted' entities don't get a free pass.


In this comprehensive look at Application Security Posture Management (ASPM), we've navigated the key components, implementation strategies, key capabilities, tools, and future trends that will shape your application securityefforts. ASPM isn't just an option; it's a necessity for robust application protection. While challenges exist, they're surmountable with the right strategy and toolkit. Ready to take the next step in securing your applications? Book a demo with our team today to see how Oxeye can help you realize the benefits of automating prioritization of application risks that are personalized to your company’s applications and environment.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

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