Traditional AST Solutions vs Oxeye - How Oxeye is different from existing ASTs

As described in previous videos, existing AST (application security testing) solutions require running each tool separately to detect code vulnerabilities in cloud native apps. They aren’t always synchronized with one another, nor do they know how to cross-reference and use enriched data from other code layers in the environment. 

Thus, assessing multi-layer, distributed code requires a new approach and toolset. Testing with enriched data pulled from the development, cloud, and orchestration layers provide comprehensive results. 

Oxeye has launched a new platform to meet this increasing need. Advanced testing technology streamlines cloud native security processes, thereby assisting developer and AppSec teams in their collaboration effort. It essentially combines all AST (application security testing) methodologies with a new generation of security control assessment (SCA) capabilities.

Want to see what it looks like?